I can say very little about the FSQ-106 that has not already been waxed about by others but suffice to say it is fast, flat and has great colour correction that is hard to beat, oh and did I mention the tiny stars.
CMOS Camera
The ZWO ASI-2600MC Pro Colour CMOS is one of Sony's new generation zero amp glow sensors. They are super sensitive with very low noise.
Pier 11 has a maximum sub length of 300s
Back illumiated CMOS Sensor 23.5x17.5mm 6248x4176pixels 3.76µm
Bayer Matrix Parameters
2.54° x 1.57°
530mm Focal Length
25º Imaging Horizon Limits
Camera Position Angle: 179º
Recommended sub lengths
Filter Charactristics
Antlia RGB
Antlia ALP-T Ha|O3 5nm
Antlia ALP-T Ha|Hb 5nm
Calibration Files
10s Darks
20s Darks
30s Darks
45s Darks
60s Darks
90s Darks
120s Darks
180s Darks
240s Darks
300s Darks
Flat Frames
If you choose more individual sub lengths eg 550s, then darks are not included in the price and are taken for you on an individual basis. Please add darks to your imaging run in checkout.
Although Pier-11 has a OSC Camera we have also added some modern Dual/Triband fiters designed for narrowband imaging etc
Antlia RGB -
Enhances contract in colour imges & increase narrowband regions within objects not to mention help block out some light pollution from the moon
Antlia Alp-T Ha/O3 5nm -
The filter enables the capture of the two main emission nebulae bands at the same time, whilst suppressing unwanted light pollution. It enables you to capture cleaner data and reduces the post processing efforts to isolate faint details from the background light pollution.
Antlia Alp-T Ha/Hb 5nm -
The filter enables the capture of the two main emission nebulae bands at the same time, whilst suppressing unwanted light pollution. It enables you to capture cleaner data and reduces the post processing efforts to isolate faint details from the background light pollution.
Bayer matrix
When you receive your data, at first glance it may appear green, this is normal because One shot colour cameras have a bayer matrix over the sensor, this particular sensor has a RGGB bayer matrix and you will need to de-bayer it as part of your calibration and stacking process in your chosen software.