Apollo 11 Observatory

  • Insulated roof & walls

  • Deep insulated concrete floor slab that is very temperature stable

  • Dehumidified (In winter)
  • State of the art infrastructure with onsite backup from e-EyE

  • 100Mb Synchronous Fibre Optic internet connection
  • UPS back up to all telescopes as well as critical systems
  • Dual weather monitoring systems
  • All sky camera
  • SQM Monitor
  • Coming soon - Seeing Monitor
  • Internal & External camera monitoring system
  • Autonomous roof that opens at dusk and closes just before dawn - Adverse weather events aside
  • Low walls to take advantage of our superb horizons
  • Monitored security system in a fenced & gated compound

As we are all based in Europe then the obvious choice for our first observatory was Spain, as it allowed us a choice of driving or flying depending upon what equipment we need to bring & install.

There are a few darker places in Europe and some with a few more clear nights and slightly better seeing but not many, what most lack however is the robust infrastructure and onsite technical know how to keep a project like ours looking up at the sky collecting data rather than fighting little issues that keep the roof closed!

  • 560 meters above sea level

  • Clear skies and dry climate with seasonal rainfall periods, normally late Autumn and Spring

  • Skies that hover around 21.5 SQM, peaking at 22 SQM on occasions

  • Seeing is 1-2 on average

  • Long nights and dark skies even during mid summer thanks to our lower latitude

Our location:
Latitude:   38° 13' 10.89" North
Longitude:   6° 37' 54.32" West
Altitude:   535 metres
Timezone: Western Europe

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Proud to use

  • FLI

  • 656 Imaging

  • 10 Micron

  • Planewave

  • ZWO

Company Details:


802 Kingsbury Road
B24 9PS
United Kingdom

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